Learn Reactjs Online (Beginner and Advanced Course)

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Introduction to Reactjs

  • What is Reactjs?
  • History and Evolution of React
  • Reactjs Ecosystem and Community
  • Advantages of Using Reactjs
  • Overview of Single Page Applications (SPA)
  • Real-world Use Cases and Success Stories
  • Setting Up the Development Environment

Beginner Level

Getting Started with Reactjs

  • Understanding Components
  • JSX: JavaScript XML
  • Creating Your First React Component
  • Props and State
  • Lifecycle Methods
  • Handling Events

Fundamentals of React

  • Components and Props
  • State Management
  • Conditional Rendering
  • Lists and Keys
  • Composition vs Inheritance
  • Basic Styling and CSS in React

React Developer Tools

  • Introduction to React Developer Tools
  • Debugging React Apps
  • Performance Profiling

Forms and User Input

  • Controlled vs Uncontrolled Components
  • Form Handling
  • Lifting State Up
  • Validation and Error Handling

Introduction to Hooks

  • Understanding Hooks
  • useState and useEffect Hooks
  • Custom Hooks
  • Rules of Hooks

Routing in React

  • Setting Up React Router
  • Route Configuration
  • Navigating with React Router
  • Route Parameters
  • Nested Routes

State Management Patterns and Libraries

  • Context API
  • Using Reducers with useReducer
  • Introduction to Redux
  • Connecting Redux to React Components

Unit Testing in React

  • Why Test React Components?
  • Testing Libraries and Tools (Jest and React Testing Library)
  • Writing Basic Test Cases

Advanced Level

Advanced Component Patterns

  • Higher-Order Components (HOCs)
  • Render Props
  • Compound Components
  • React Children and Cloning

Advanced Hooks

  • useRef and useLayoutEffect Hooks
  • Custom Hook Recipes
  • Optimizing Hook Performance

Advanced State Management

  • Redux Middleware
  • Thunk and Saga for Asynchronous Actions
  • Normalizing State Shape
  • Selector Patterns with Reselect

Performance Optimization

  • Profiling Components
  • React.memo and PureComponent
  • useMemo and useCallback Hooks
  • Code Splitting and Lazy Loading

React and TypeScript

  • Why TypeScript with React?
  • Typing Components and Props
  • Type-Checking Hooks
  • Setting up TypeScript with React

Internationalization and Accessibility

  • Internationalizing React Applications
  • Accessibility in React
  • Best Practices for Accessible Web Applications

React Patterns and Best Practices

  • File and Directory Structure
  • Component Design Principles
  • Application State Design
  • Error Boundaries and Error Handling

Working with APIs

  • Fetching Data with Axios and Fetch
  • Working with RESTful APIs
  • GraphQL Integration with Apollo Client

React in Production

  • Environment Variables and Build Modes
  • Build and Deployment Process
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with Next.js

Beyond React

  • Introduction to State Management Libraries (MobX, Recoil)
  • The Role of React Native in Mobile Development
  • Exploring the React Ecosystem (Gatsby, RedwoodJS)
  • Looking Forward: The Future of React and the Web

Conclusion and Resources

  • Best Practices Recap
  • Roadmap for Further Learning
  • Community and Support Resources
  • Official Documentation and Tutorials
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Learn Reactjs Online (Beginner and Advanced Course)

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